Logica and Commonwealth Partner on Financial Security Study
The report, “Feeling the Heat: Climate Change’s Impact on Worker Financial Security,” was released this month, the result of a market research partnership between Commonwealth and Logica. This study looked deeply at how the extreme or unusual weather events associated with climate change are taking a toll on the financial well-being of American workers, especially those in low to moderate income brackets.
Climate Change’s Impact on Low to Moderate Income Workers
The findings of the report are drawn from a comprehensive online survey of 1,200 workers in the United States with household incomes falling between $30,000 and $80,000 per year. This population is often found in labor-intensive jobs, service positions and working outdoors. These are the workers who often face the greatest economic vulnerabilities, making them the most susceptible to the far-reaching consequences of climate change. As stated in the report, “More than 80% of workers in our survey agree: extreme or unusual weather is happening more frequently, becoming more severe, and becoming more common because of climate change” and this is affecting the ability to work.
The Commonwealth Report Findings
Our commitment to thought leadership data is exemplified through our continuous Logica® Future of Money Study, where we monitor the evolving consumer attitudes toward money. This research not only bolsters our own thought leadership initiatives (and beyond) but also serves as a valuable resource for our clients, who utilize the insights we gather to inform their business strategies.
How You Can Apply Thought Leadership Research
First, decide what questions you want answered! Working with Logica to create the right studies with the right questions to the right people can help you not only with your content, but develop a deep understanding of your industry, target audience and market trends. By consistently sharing well-informed insights about industry trends and hot topics through various content channels, you can position your organization as a trusted authority and make your brand more influential. And don’t forget, thought leadership research can also guide your product development and marketing strategies! Reach out to us to learn more.