How Logica® helped a nonprofit uncover the financial impact of climate events and inform actionable solutions

Using research to support answers to important questions boosts credibility in the marketplace and beyond, helps communications reach wider audiences, and can support the implementation of real change. Gathering data and insights for thought leadership work and outreach is crucial—it not only reinforces big ideas and topics, but also helps with the discovery of new areas to enhance viewpoints and relevance. This can be especially true for nonprofits working to evoke change in their communities and in the world. Let’s look at a nonprofit that used thought leadership to inform action regarding climate change.


How Logica® helped a nonprofit uncover the financial impact of climate events and inform actionable solutions 1


Commonwealth Thought Leadership Study

Commonwealth is a nonprofit focused on building financial security for individuals. In partnership with Logica, they wanted to conduct a thought leadership study about the impact of climate events on low- and moderate-income workers in the United States. This research would enable Commonwealth to educate and engage communities, financial institutions and employers in exploring actionable solutions to address the climate crisis and support affected workers.


Thought Leadership Research Solution For Commonwealth

For this study with Commonwealth, Logica® conducted a 10-minute quantitative survey among U.S. workers living on low and moderate income (LMI). The study was carefully crafted to assess the effects of climate events without introducing any personal or political bias associated with sensitive terms like “climate change” or “climate crisis”. This approach ensured an objective and unbiased exploration of the topic.


Impact and Change Through Research

The thought leadership research revealed that climate change is significantly affecting low and moderate-income (LMI) workers in the U.S., leading to financial and lifestyle challenges. Commonwealth was among the pioneers in linking extreme weather to financial outcomes of low-income American workers, including Black and Latino workers who face a disproportionate burden. The research supports  efforts to engage with donors and employers to raise awareness about the impact of climate events.


Harnessing the Power of Thought Leadership Research

The insights provided by the right thought leadership research can be transformative. By conducting an unbiased study on the financial impact of climate events on low- and moderate-income workers, Logica® and Commonwealth shone a light on the challenges faced by vulnerable populations and provided the necessary data to inform actionable solutions. What change can your organization affect by using insights gathered from thought leadership research? Let’s discuss! Reach out to us.


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