Improve engagement with employee financial wellness measurement.

Get the insights you need to enhance employee financial well-being and increase employee engagement.

How Logica® helped an employer understand their employees’ financial health.


A major financial institution wanted to be able to help companies measure the financial well being of its 401k retirement plan participants and identify opportunities to help employees improve their overall financial wellbeing.


Logica developed a scalable financial wellness measurement program that the client could implement across 401k retirement plan sponsor companies. The survey included consistent questions that could be applied to multiple companies or departments and benchmarked, the ability to customize questions, an efficient workflow, and a visually engaging report that could be used by company executives.


This scalable program is usable by companies of varying sizes and industries and for different departments within a company. Results are used to help identify programs and services that employees need such as budget development, debt management, financial plans, and investing advice.

Employee Financial Wellness Research

Employee financial wellness is an increasingly important area to understand for attracting, retaining, and engaging employees, as well as ensuring productivity. Measuring employee financial wellness helps you measure the potential risk and vulnerability in your employee population and identify opportunities to help your employees experience increased financial security and wellbeing. Offering financial wellness benefits can be an important benefit—the right research to measure the need is critical.

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