Powerful marketing research for financial services—tailored for your business.
How can you increase awareness and build equity in the marketplace? Having a market who knows you and loves you will drive growth for your business. A great brand starts with research and measurement. Whether you have a consumer or B2B brand, Logica® will design and execute brand equity research that will inform your brand strategy and deepen brand engagement.
What is the key to successful product development in financial services and financial technology? The answer is constant innovation. And for that innovation, you need intelligent data and marketing insights. Buyer journey research, archetype development, and product feature optimization research with Logica® will give you the insights you need to create products that succeed in both consumer and B2B markets.
How can you create thought leadership that bolsters visibility and supports your brand? Proprietary thought leadership content is key to gaining press coverage and increasing visibility with target audiences. Thought leadership research and PR research with Logica® gives you the insights and data you need to be the go-to source for media and have your own proprietary content for sales enablement, marketing, and PR.
How can you create communications that will be seen and heard by your markets? Deepening engagement and gaining market share requires the right marketing communications. Qualitative and quantitative marketing communications research with Logica® helps you create and prioritize key messages that drive customer behaviors and growth.
How do you meet your buyers at the critical points in their buyer decision journey? Purchase journey research with Logica® helps you understand what influences consumers’ and businesses’ decisions–giving you the insights you need to drive acquisition and succeed with your customers.
Do you know what your employees need in terms of financial wellness benefits? Employee financial wellness is key to talent acquisition, employee retention and business growth. Financial wellness research with Logica® will help you understand the financial benefits you need to offer that go beyond compensation and will help your employees thrive.