For over 20 years, the members of the Logica Research team have studied the transformation and growth of the financial advisor industry, including changes in how to sell and market to fee-based financial advisors. With the growth of ETFs in the advisor industry, we joined ETF Trends in a study to understand how to sell ETFs to advisors in the digital world. In this joint study among ETF-Centric advisors, we set out to understand if traditional direct sales and marketing campaigns are the most effective way to communicate with ETF-Centric advisors.

The answer was clear: no.

Of the advisors surveyed, over eight in 10 (83%) get their information digitally, with almost two-thirds (64%) relying on their desktop computer for their news (instead of using a tablet or smart phone). Advisors spend an average of six hours a week on research.

Almost a third (30%) of these advisors consider themselves early technology adopters, and technology is central to how they get information. Along with networking, the study found that internet searches and webinars are part of the holy trinity of research. While in-person conference attendance still matters, conferences are waning while webinars are increasing in popularity. Traditional sales and marketing methods are not at the top of the list.

future of ETF communication

Education and content matter for ETF sales. Given the limitations of advisor time and growing importance of strategy to an advisor’s role today, they prefer their in-person meetings to focus on due diligence and strategy—give them something meaningful in that time.

To learn more about advisor preferences in communication, email us to receive the complete ebook at

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